Teaching Software Craftmanship


Can you successfully teach software craftmanship to university students? I have several old colleagues who try to improve how programming skills are picked up by students, for instance Marie Nordström worked on how to improve student comprehension of object oriented programming concepts. Yesterday, I found out about a project where a whole course was taught around software craftmanship where students worked on improving their deficiencies which concepts such as “apprenticeship patterns” and “programming katas“.
Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman


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About Greger Wikstrand

Greger Wikstrand, Ph.D. M.Sc. is a TOGAF 9 certified enterprise architect with an interest in e-heatlh, m-health and all things agile as well as processes, methods and tools. Greger Wikstrand works as a consultant at Capgemini where he alternates between enterprise agile coaching, problem solving and designing large scale e-health services ...

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