TDD Improves Quality

Test Driven Development: Ten Years Later - Steve Freeman, Michael Feathers

TDD improves quality! That might sound obvious, but evidently it isn’t. Test driven development (TDD) is often cited as a key agile practice (1,2). But still, the evidence has been equivocal until now.

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The evidence is in – TDD works!

In the November/December issue of IEEE Software the Voice of Evidence addresses Test Driven Development (TDD). Researcher Forrest Shull and several colleagues have reviewed the research literature on TDD. They posed three questions: Does TDD improve delivered quality? Does TDD improve internal code quality? Does TDD improve productivity? They found…

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Changes as Objects In this article the authorsn suggests that many of the problems associated with changes in agile software development can be managed by treating the changes as ‘first-class objects’. Sounds complicated to me. What do you think?

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Issues with Agile Software Development?

While there has been a bit of research detailling the advantages of agile software development not that much systematic work has been done to find the issues arising from using the agile paradigm. So, what are the issues with agile software development? In “A Comparison of Issues and Advantages in…

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Do I have a healthy test suite?

With TDD etc we are all assuming that we have a healthy test suite. Now some researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium have published a way to actaully measure this. Their idea is to plot on one axis the percentage of the total code base that is test rather than…

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