Podcast on Agile on the Enterprise Level

Here is yet another great installment of the Business 901 podcast. This time on being agile on the enterprise level part 1, part 2. I agree with most of what is said in the podcast, especially that there is no “one size fits all solution“. Different teams have different needs.…

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Agile Meetings and Motivation

There are three key, recurrent meetings in Agile practice:

Do these meetings contribute to team motivation or de-motivation? According to a recent study “Motivating Agile Teams: A Case Study of Teams in Ireland and Swedenit depends.

Sorry, but I am not going to pay to read any further than the abstract but if someone will donate a copy to me I promise to write about any other sensational findings in the paper.


[bibtex file=http://www.citeulike.org/bibtex/user/greger/tag/20101119?fieldmap=posted-at:posted-date&clean_urls=0]

The Featured Image is taken from Klean Denmark on Flickr and is used under a CC BY SA 2.0 license. It has been slightly cropped.

Agile and TMS

A transactive memory system is what allows a team to know who knows what.

What is transactive memory? How does it impact agile work? How do you improve it?

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Did Agile Ruin your Life?

Did agile ruin your life? These pair programmers do no seem that concerned.

Daniel Markham has written a rant about how many people feel that Agile has “ruined their lives”. Basically, he is saying that to these people Agile is just a new name for snake oil. Agile coaches are nothing but scamsters. The books they write are nothing but positively biased stories…

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