Extroverted programmers?

Have you ever heard the phrase: “I don’t want to be an engineer, I want to work with people!” I have heard it so many times. In my experience engineering jobs are all about working with people. But others disagree

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Roles and Architects

The issue of the responsibilities of the agile architect versus the software engineer goes towards deep issues with how software is best developed. Having architects easily brings a connotation of a document centric approach where producing documents is more important than producing working code to the benefit of the customer.…

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Podcast on Agile on the Enterprise Level

Here is yet another great installment of the Business 901 podcast. This time on being agile on the enterprise level part 1, part 2. I agree with most of what is said in the podcast, especially that there is no “one size fits all solution“. Different teams have different needs.…

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New Cool UX Tool for Agilistas

CMU and IBM have developed “CogTool“. “CogTool analyzes tasks performed on an interactive system from a storyboard and a demonstration of tasks on that storyboard, and predicts the time a skilled user will take to perform those tasks.” I think this kind of tool will be really helpful for any…

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Recommended podcast

I have subscribed to the business 901 podcast on my android phone for about six months or so. The podcasts are always entertaining and informative regardless if you are into agile software development or lean manufacturing. This episode of the podcast stands out as especially interesting: http://business901.com/blog1/why-architecture-is-needed-even-in-agile/

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Issues with Agile Software Development?

While there has been a bit of research detailling the advantages of agile software development not that much systematic work has been done to find the issues arising from using the agile paradigm. So, what are the issues with agile software development? In “A Comparison of Issues and Advantages in…

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