One-liner test cases
There are many kinds of testing. Detailled scripted manual test cases are quite popular but an article at might be an eye-opener if that is your favourite kind of test case. According to the article, these test cases are a waste of time and effort and demeaning to the…
Senior Membership in the IEEE
I am about to apply for Senior Membership in the IEEE. To that end, I will go to the event held in Lund tomorrow. I spent some time on putting together an adapted CV and thought it might be of interest for readers of this blog – IEEE SM CV – Greger Wikstrand – 2011-03-29
What if we approached teaching SE using SE methods?
How Information Gets Stolen
I just found a very interesting article from the software engineering institute on how information gets stolen by insiders. Did you know that: E-mail is the most common method of exfiltration. Almost all thieves are men. Most information thieves steal from IT and telecom company. Most thefts happen within 30…
Generating Whole Test Suites with SBSE
I find this rather exciting, generating / optimizing your whole test suite automatically.
Large Software Projects and Education

We all know that many real life software projects are large. Some are even obscenly large. But in universities students engage in smaller projects or as individual contributors. Can and should software engineering education be made more realistic in that students work in large scale projects? In “A Software Engineering…
Recommended podcast
I have subscribed to the business 901 podcast on my android phone for about six months or so. The podcasts are always entertaining and informative regardless if you are into agile software development or lean manufacturing. This episode of the podcast stands out as especially interesting:
The Swedish Leader Election Protocol
This is a bit off-topic but it does feel nice to be cited in SIAM as the co-inventor of a new leader election algorithm.
Where does the information go?
In traditional non-agile project a lot of effort is spent in generating documents in order to achieve coordination, collaboration and communication. In agile software development the main artefacts beside the code are the storyboards. So what happens with all that other stuff? Open university research might have the answer in “
Three ‘c’s of agile practice: collaboration, coordination and communication“. I have requested a copy and will give more detail when and if I receive it.
Does Agile lead to secure software?
According to some Norwegian researchers, agile software development in small and medium sized enterprises does not result in more secure software. Their solution is to make some ‘extensions’ to agile development methodology. I am sceptical. I think it would be a matter of how the agile methods are applied not…