My social media influence

Just met with Greger Wikstrand, Woody Zuill and Kishen Panday

We’re running a little friendly contest in Capgemini where our experts describe how using social media has worked for them. I felt this was interesting enough to share with a wider audience so here you go.

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Focus on the Agile Process

Should you focus on the agile process or tools or people? IBM says you should focus on people because they are what makes a difference in a project. That might sound logical, but is it?

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Agile Product Metrics

An MSc thesis on agile product metrics:

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In the mail from Google Scholar

Going through my alerts from Google Scholar today, I found a few gems which I plan to write more about when and if I manage to obtain copies of the works in question. There is ever the problem of gaining access to some research… Cross sectional study of agile software…

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Open source gains momentum

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