Heraclitus was wrong about innovation

Democritus laughing and Heraclitus weeping, with a globe

Heraclitus was wrong when he declared that “the only thing that is constant is change“. Change is no longer a constant, because the rate of change has changed. More importantly, change is not a constant because we have renewed our view of change and innovation. 

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Privacy lost can never be regained

Inside one of the prison buildings at Presidio Modelo, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba - no privacy here

Recent events have reminded us that privacy lost cannot be regained. After the hacks of the Democratic party, with the GDPR coming up as one of the biggest challenges in our industry privacy has become a hot topic. The surveillance society keeps gaining momentum. Both little brother and big brother…

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Fail fast applied

Casimir Artmann in a meeting room

When I wrote about the fail fast fallacy, Gene Hughson and Casimir Artmann replied on their blogs: “the need for design” and “fail is not an option“. We decided to create a video together to get a more lively discussion going. Gene asked us how well our joint video was…

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Three camera setup for remote video interviews

How do you create a great vlog post when the person you want to talk to is remote? This is a question that has occupied Casimir and me ever since we started adding video to the conversation. After reading up on the subject, experimenting and failing — remote interviews are not all that easy — we have come up with an approach to make remote video interviews that seems to work. The key is to use the right equipment, and you need more than you think you do, but it does not have to be expensive.
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My social media influence

Just met with Greger Wikstrand, Woody Zuill and Kishen Panday

We’re running a little friendly contest in Capgemini where our experts describe how using social media has worked for them. I felt this was interesting enough to share with a wider audience so here you go.

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Hangouts with Greger Wikstrand and friends

So far, I have done three public hangouts with friends in different places. I’ve created a playlist with all of them for your convenience.

At this time, there are three YouTube videos in the playlist, one for each of the hangouts I’ve done so far. You will find two videos where I discuss agile and lean contracts with Jacopo Romei and one video where I discuss agile retrospectives with Mario Lucero.

The playlist will be expanded with each future hangout. Will my next hangout be with you? Let me know and we’ll set it up. 🙂

Adding video

The room has been setup for recording session 3.

Ever since I started blogging properly – over ten years ago – it’s been all about text with the exception of a few images. Then, not so long ago, a customer remarked that he never read anything longer than five or so sentences. It was a useful reminder that we…

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Guest appearance on Architecture Corner

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Casimir Artmann and feature as a guest on his “Architecture Corner”. We talked about agile and why it is necessary. Read more here on the blog or watch the video:
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Two recent posts

I’ve recently posted two pieces of content on other platforms:

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Blogging on “Capping IT Off”

I’ve started blogging at the Capping IT Off blog. Posts there will be about topics that are off topic for this blog. My first post is about e-health innovation and apps. My conclusion? E-health will be powered by thin, targeted applications built on a stable framework.

Image sources

  • Greger Wikstrand post at Capping IT Off: Owned by the author