Wordle for March 2012

A wordle for this site.

I think Wordles are beautiful and interesting. That is why I have created one for this blog. Click on the image for a full-size version. Biggest Wordle Words It seems that the “biggest” words in this blog are Agile, Project, Software, Management followed by thoughts, things, engineering and manager. I…

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The Un-Agile Principles

These are the Unagile Principles also known as the Principles Behind the Unagile Manifesto. They are a support for all those who oppose the dangerous and wide-spread dissemination of methods based on the principles behind the Agile Manifesto. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through delivery of the…

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Un-Agile Manifesto – when you hate agile

The so called Agile Manifesto has created so much excitement in the software development world and beyond. But for all those who got their life ruined by agile, for all those who oppose Agile methods in software development — it is time they got their own manifesto. Here it is…

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Agile Team Staffing

A penjing or bonsai forest in potted plants. Beautiful and serene, yes. But is it strong?

Agile team staffing is about staffing your agile teams and managing the talents of the teams not just the people. So, how do you create agile teams where the members trust each other? Keeping the same teams over a longer period will help teams develop transactive memory and trust. But…

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I am Sure Agile is Fine, but…

Have you ever heard someone say “I am sure agile is fine but it would not work with X”? Jim Elvidge busts some of these myths. Steve Rogalsky has a go at some of the same myths. Does Agile suck?

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Are We, like King Claudius, already Damned?

One of my first blog posts on this blog was a reaction to Daniel Markham’s rant on “Agile Ruined my Life“. Now Bob Marshall tells us that Agile Coaching is evil. But are we like King Claudius damned if we merely do the acts without a good and honest heart:…

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Pragmatic versus Lazy

When you say or think that you need to be pragmatic, are you sure you are not simply being lazy?

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Teaching Software Craftmanship

Can you successfully teach software craftmanship to university students? I have several old colleagues who try to improve how programming skills are picked up by students, for instance Marie Nordström worked on how to improve student comprehension of object oriented programming concepts. Yesterday, I found out about a project where…

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Do We Listen too Much to the “Business”?

Yesterday I watched a documentary on National Geographic about the infamous Sampoong Dept Store Collapse. It immediately got me thinking of some of the threads running here on testing and the business case for testing. In Agile and in our industry in general we always say that fulfilling business requirements…

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The Scrum Maturity Model

The scrum maturity model could use a sense of multidimensionality.

There has been a quest for an “Agile Maturity Model” going on for some time now. Are we Agile? How Agile are we? Where should we improve? Can we get a certification that will convince our customers that we are agile?

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